Alright friends, time to let you in on a little secret. Semen retention is nothing new. This isn’t a fad that grew out of NoFap. This is a hardcore practice that has been studied and honed, passed on from teacher to disciple across the ages.
Like all powerful and transformative practices, it has usually been kept somewhat secret. Celibacy is no secret. The concept of Brahmacharya within Hindu and yogic thought is well known. Solo and “dual-cultivation” within Taoism and “tantric sex” are also well-known, if misunderstood.
All of these things have but one goal – the cultivation of sexual energy, and its sublimation for self-evolution. This was what my first post on r/semenretention was all about.
However, the art of cultivating and transmuting this sexual energy – that knowledge has almost always been handed down from guru to disciple.
What exactly is this sexual energy? The closest you’ll find to a definition within Western science might be the libido, but you sure won’t hear about Freudian psychologists telling you to abstain from masturbation in order to transmute the energy that builds up towards accomplishing your goals.
In yoga and Ayurveda, however, we hear about how Brahmacharya, or purity in thought and action via celibacy, increases an energy called Ojas. Within Taoism and Qi Gong, that energy is referred to as Jing. You can find equivalents in almost all spiritual traditions.
The goal, then, is not semen retention for the sake of semen retention, but the cultivation of sexual energy, of Jing, of Ojas.
Western science has found very little benefits to abstaining from ejaculation other than a quick and light increase in testosterone, and preventing the release of prolactin during orgasm from dampening our dopaminergic tone. If you tell almost anyone what you’re doing, that you’re abstaining from jacking off to increase your energy, build charisma, accomplish your goals, you’ll swiftly be laughed at.
If you say the same to a yogi, a Qi Gong practitioner, probably even a martial artist, they’ll say “Welcome to the club”.
Most importantly, the traditions of yoga, Qi Gong and more have perfected the art of cultivation and sublimation of this energy beyond just semen retention! This is huge. This means that there are multiple modalities to further enhance this sexual energy in addition to just retention. That’s why I’ve created this site, to share this knowledge.
So what actually is this sexual energy, this Jing?
First off, Jing is less of an actual “thing” we can extract from the body, and more of a collection of factors – it is known not by its parts, but by its conceptual whole. Can you go up to someone and pull out their “toughness”? Can you point to something within the body that is a persons “drive”? No! Both are complex, ever-evolving and interwoven systems of smaller components, some physical, some mental.
So…. what are the components making up Jing? It can best be summed up as one’s “robustness/vitality”, but it really can’t be pinned down so simply.
Physically speaking, Jing encompasses ones immunity to disease, hormone and neurotransmitter levels, the integrity of one’s DNA, one’s virility, one’s youthful appearance and one’s longevity. An 18 or 19 year old teenager who can do two-a-day workouts for football, masturbate multiple times a day, stay up late partying and wake up early the next day, ready to go without so much as a coffee or Red Bull – that is someone with a lot of Jing.
Jing goes beyond the physical, however. Jing encompasses ones drive, motivation, physical and mental endurance and fortitude.. Someone with a lot of Jing is able to accomplish a lot, and also take a beating and keep on ticking.
This is part of why we start feeling so great when we start on this path of retention. We build strength from within. It’s like we’re finally getting a nutrient we’ve been starved of for a long time.
Jing is also the basis for our Qi and Shen, our energy and spirit – and these collectively make up what the Taoists refer to as the Three Treasures. The other two treasures come into play when we talk about other aspects of semen retention – for example, the reasons your aura starts to increase in strength and attractiveness is because the increased Jing starts to spill over, increasing your Qi and Shen.
Again, you don’t have to use these terms. You can just say that your sexual energy creates magnetism and makes your aura big and strong. Same stuff, different words.
Daily life drains Jing, and when it has fully burnt out, you die. Anything to excess damages Jing, especially masturbation for men. Any wise person who knows about the concept of Jing does all they can to preserve it and to increase it.
And that’s where the good news comes in, my friends. You may have needlessly spilt a lot of seed over your years, and that’s a waste, to be sure. But you’ve since given up the cycle of urge -> frivolous and spasmodic masturbation -> self-pity and shame. You’ve plugged what’s likely your biggest leak of Jing.
And you’ve found this site, which is dedicated to increasing Jing – something that isn’t talked about much elsewhere online. You’ll learn about so many other methods to rapidly and potently increase your Jing, your sexual energy, your motivation and drive.
This is for everyone that stopped masturbating, did some cold showers, felt the benefits, and they wanted more. Don’t be scared off by a little yoga or some foreign terms and concepts – these practices are non-denominational and freaking powerful.
And remember, X-rays weren’t formally discovered until 1895, the double-helix shape of DNA wasn’t discovered until 1952 – but all these things and more have existed for millions of years. Modern science is a beautiful, beautiful thing, but just because you can’t easily extract a “Jing” and test it in peer-reviewed, double-blind studies doesn’t mean it isn’t something we can’t cultivate right now. We can’t prove that the mind exists, but we all agree that it does, and we use meditation, therapy and many other modalities to strengthen and control it. Instead of wasting our seed, let’s start retaining it, cultivating this energy, and putting it to good use.