
C’mon, you know the feeling.. It happens to every guy. After a guy masturbates, an immediate sense of loss, sometimes even shame washes over him. But why? You were so horny before, the act itself was so enjoyable, and now you are relieved of that primal itch.. Why feel bad?

Most men don’t consciously realize it, or ever stop to think about it, but they know it instinctually. When they masturbate, when they spill their seed, hell sometimes even after sex, that ugly demon rears its head. There’s a reason the French call an orgasm La petite mort – the little death. It’s defined as a “brief loss or weakening of consciousness”.

I’m not saying orgasm is bad. I’m not saying ejaculation is bad, or even that masturbation to porn is bad.. I’m saying unchecked, rampant wasting of your most precious bodily fluid is the crime.

I decided to create this website because of the lack of coherence in the online Semen Retention community. There’s some decent information going around. Most of it is useful, if simple, advice. A lot of it is garbage.

But even for all the good info, there was no direction. No sense of progress, no formula – no map. The art of semen retention and the transmutation of sexual energy has been a tool in my spiritual toolbox for years, and through all my research of different yogic systems I’ve been able to piece together a coherent whole.

This site and its philosophy has a few central core ideas –

  1. By cutting out porn and retaining semen, a man gains power and control over himself
  2. Semen retention is just the beginning. It is a starting place, a means to an end, and is not the goal
  3. The goal is cultivation of sexual energy, commonly referred to as Jing by Taoist practitioners and Ojas by Indian yogis. Semen retention is a great method to begin this cultivation – but there are other very powerful ways of doing so
  4. This sexual energy is then transmuted to more useful kinds of energy
  5. I’m not here to tell you how to live your life, but on this website, women are not to be degraded or looked down upon. If you are derogatory in any fashion, to any gender, race or creed, you will be banned. Leave that shit at the door.

I will be posting links to books, supplements, products, etc. Sometimes these will be affiliate links, which means I might make a couple bucks off of things you purchase through these links. This money helps me fund this site and keeps ads to a minimum, but if that still doesn’t jive with you, feel free to buy things elsewhere.

Other than that, it’s a pretty open-minded site. Feel free to drop me a line!